Re: Foamy pee good sign of candida die off? Need Help
Look, everyone knows that candida can produce low levels of alcohol in the extreme form. This is unbelievably rare though, like people who can lift 1000
pounds or people that can eat porcelain dinnerware.
And this website you quoted is about as scholarly as 3rd grade summer book list.
In immune compromised people and alcholism of course alcohol has to be limited. I don't need you to go surfing wbesites for obvious information like this.
The website is just plain wrong about alcohol feeding candida, which casts further doubt on the training of whoever these people are.
You can do a very simple experiment if you don't believe me. Let a piece of fruit mold on your kitchen counter.
Now soak it in a glass of gin.
It stops molding and the spores present will be killed.
You can now set that piece of fruit back on the counter and it will not mold.
This is like grade school chemistry and I don't have time to argue about this with people who can't even comprehend.
So in point of fact, moderate alcohol consumption will kill some yeast in the intestinal tract. Everyone has to know their limit and not go to the point where they will damage their organs.
Alcohols are refined sugars yes, but by the same logic we can say that ashes from corpses are just refined human life force.
Some sugars do feed candida it's true, but sugars also feed the human body so go figure out which sugars your body can handle and which they can't and stop this nonsense about alcohol feeding candida.
We could look at any substance known to man and make nonsensical statements like 'this stuff impedes immune function'. Too much water can throw off electrolyte imbalance, excess salt can cause hypertenstion, excess protein can cause kidney damage, etc. And at the same time all of these substances can be used for healing.
It's all nonsense unless we are talking about a particular person's health.
I'm sorry that you cannot distinguish fact from fiction on these lower level websites like the one you quoted.
It's a known fact that many centenarians consume wine and dark chocolate. One contains alcohol and the other sugar, so there goes your theory.
Herbalists have been preserving herbal tinctures in alcohol for god knows how long. BECAUSE it resists bacterial and fungal contamination.
The candida story is unfortunately a complex subject and it looks like beyond your scope.
I know some russian doctors and who use alcohol to kill off larger
parasites that harbor candida.
Alcohol is part of human history and it has its place in medicine whether you are capable of understanding this or not.
I'm ready for you to post some actual evidence than alcohol feeds candida, and it will surely be a fun wait.
There are other causes of cirrhosis that are not alcohol related.
The forward thinking people in the field of alcoholism research are leaning toward it being an extreme form of hypoglycemia and fruit sugars have had success as a treatment.
There are also people who have cured candida by eating extremely high carbohydrate diets both starches and fruit sugars. So obviously the candida story is more involved than you are aware of or are willing/capable to admit.
In real
Science we look at relationships and correlations and are not so quick to scream CAUSATION whenever we see a pattern.