I am not here to argue with anyone. We can agree to disagree.
Alcohol is converted by the liver into glucose. The normal, healthy liver can process about 1/2 ounce of pure alcohol (that’s 6 to 12 ounces of beer, 5 ounces of wine, or 1 ounce of spirits) in an hour.Excessive alcohol goes into the bloodstream until processed by the liver.
How Your Body Processes Alcohol
And you do agree with me in spite of your smokescreen of nonesense.
"Alcohols are refined sugars yes"
"Some sugars do feed candida it's true,"
Do you know what glucose is? It is blood sugar that feeds candida yeast & fungus. Kapish?
More on Candida http://tinyurl.com/Iodine-Candida
You guys are delusional
At the top of the list for Candida Diets: Don't eat SUGARS
* Sugar
* Honey
* Syrup
* Chocolate
* Molasses
* Rice Syrup
* Artificial Sweeteners
* Condiments tend to be high in sugar and can exacerbate your Candida. Stay away from the soft drinks too. Always read food labels to make sure your food doesn't contain sugar. Be careful - the aspartame in diet cola weakens your immune system can leave you vulnerable to Candida.
Next on the list is ALCOHOL
* Wine
* Beer
* Spirits
* Liquors
* Cider
Carbohydrates, even healthy complex carbs, break down into glucose (sugar) in the digestive system, and sugar feeds Candida. All sugars MUST be avoided.
You so called "experts" are now trying to tell us that alcohol and sugars are not a problem ? ? ? ? ? ?
NO ONE believes this BAD ADVICE! More on Candida: http://tinyurl.com/Iodine-Candida
So tell us what YOUR Candida diet rules are.
Re: Foamy Urine
Urine being a little foamy one in a while is normal. However if it is frequently foaming or foaming a lot, you should have a doctor look at it.
"The presence of a substantial amount of protein in one's urine is a common factor that results in foamy urine. Small amounts of protein may be naturally expelled in the urine. When protein is excreted in large amounts, however, the abnormal condition is known as proteinuria."
One member here reported foaming urine as the result of Lupus being caused by leaky gut & lupus inflamed the kidneys.