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Re: Foamy pee good sign of candida die off? Need Help
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Re: Foamy pee good sign of candida die off? Need Help

Here are some facts, take it or leave it

Protein and fats also are converted into glucose which 'feed candida'. There is no way around glucose. Glucose is what humans run on just as cars run on gasoline.

Restricting carbohydrates can make candida worse be coaxing it to revert into the more dangerous hyphal form.

Hard liquor kills candida on contact.

Everything you put into your body aside from water has the potential to 'feed candida'. Even if you were to fast candida can flourish on acidic stored waste.

So concentrating on that angle is a dead end my friend.

Iodine is a better way to go because you're working on the immune system end, but it's not the whole story.

You have a lot to learn. Bowing out now, have fun.



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