shazam: Topical Treatments - Biofilm/Crusts on Scalp/Eyebrows
shazam -
To remove the biofilm & loosen the crusts on your scalp & eyebrows, try the following:
Mixture soak: Fill your bathroom sink w/warm water. Add & stir until dissolved: 1/2 cup of epson salts, 1/2 apple cider vinegar, & l/4 cup hydrogen peroxide 3%.
Bend over sink & submerge your scalp only (don't get any in eyes) for as long as possible.
For film on back of head, use a cup & pour over scalp area only.
For eyebrows, use a cotton ball & apply (don't get any in eyes).
OTC Products: On dry scalp & eyebrows, use a cotton ball & apply one of the following a couple times daily - use only one product at a time:
Hydrogen Peroxide 3%
Sea Breeze Actives Astringent "Clean Pore" (w/2% salicylic acid)
Scalpicin Liquid "Maximum Strength" (w/1% hydrocortisone)
Scalpicin Liquid "2-In-1" (w/2% salicylic acid)
In hair care or 1st aid dept of drugstores, check labels on other lotions, creams, shampoos, etc, containing 2% salicyclic acid or hydrocortisone. Store brands, if available, are cheaper $.
Your MSM question: Rather than using the powder from MSM capsules when you shower, apply MSM lotion or cream to dry skin. It would have a stronger, longer-lasting effect & cost less $.
Cheers - ICU