Re: eyebrows and scalp hair is really fine, and I wash every day (twice at a time. It doesn't stick together. This is going to sound scalp is always really oily/soft. My hair acts like it has a life of it's own. I comb thru it before I get in the shower. No tangles. I get it wet, and when I apply shampoo, meds, peroxide (I switch combos of combatants)
T-Gel, Epsom etc. When anything but water hits my hair, it immediately wads up in tangles. I leave the treatment on for a minute or two, then rinse & repeat. When I'm done I wipe my hands from top to bottom, and have gritty wads that stick to my hands. I collect as much of it as I can by running hands across scalp. I usually end up w/ at least 20 little wads of grit, & sticky hair strands. Whatever it is bites. I've used every combination of tea tree oil,
Wormwood , Epsom, sulfur 8, salt, Dawn & meds. I don't use hairspray, and the only reason I use any rinse is to save what hair I have left, because I can't comb the wads out w/out something to detangle them.