I have heard a lot! Of good about liccorice and liccorice tea. Apparently it is a prebiotic (something to research) which feeds the good flora that fight off Candida! This is day Two at 3 cups a day and I do feel better....a person claimed that after regular use they would have no scaling for 12 hours! Hope it works!!! Also baking soda and water scrubbed into the skin for 10 and washed off helps me remove skin oil packed with nasty toxins. When I drank it last I had serious die off! It was awful for my skin, I wish I would have drank like 4 quarts of water and dandelion tea because when they died 72 toxins were released from each of them and I was covered in hives! Same goes for ACV your gonna need a water hose or a pretty big hug of water and detox tea! Good luck!!!