Re: abscess whose infection has spread to the jaw bone ...please help
My dentist told me " DO NOT have ozone injected into your jaw bone, because it causes the bone to go mushy ...necrotic," and he only used ozone with water injected into the tissues only NOT into the bone and he has had great successes with patients using this method .
However, I have read cases where people have had ozone gas injected into the bone. I'm not sure what to believe it must okay or people wouldn't be getting ozone injected into the bone. I would not chance it.
Bottom line is finding a real dental cavitation expert that is knowledgeable about , necrotic jaw bone infections, it is a good idea to have pre surgery vitamin C IV or ozone IV prior to surgery because it can save you from a heck of lot of problems post surgery
The Mri, the ultrasound, thermapgraphy , the digital panaraomic scan missed all of these issues I did not have the radioactive tracer for bone infection test so I really cannot comment on it