Re: help for an abscess whose infection has spread to the jaw bone ...please help
There are options to root canals. There are options to extracting old root canalled teeth. Check out Biomimetic dentistry...they will help you to keep your teeth as I am just finding out.
root canals can be Resterilized, ozone can be used inside the teeth, as mentioned above for gums. The teeth can be now DRILLED without drilling, without needed to get an injection that can cause an 'infarction" and subsequent dying of the bone under teeth. I wish I have known all this a few years ago. But I know it now.
"Cure tooth decay" site is an amazing source of free information. I am checking it out gradually, lot of info there. But I have purchased the book "Cure tooth decay" by Ramiel Nagel and it is worth every penny. It is not only about tooth decay, but about gums, and bone and their infections. Great tasty plan of helping to replenish some nutritional deficiencies, mostly caused by mainstream promoting food that does not give us what we need, and makes us belly-full and yet sicklish.
Check out homeopathic approaches as well ! See if you can find a local homeopath. We no longer have to LOOSE teeth, we can keep them. And I just found online that U of Canada researchers have applied for a patent to grow teeth - using a particular frequency of ultrasound. So no need to hope for a set of mouse/human teeth as we keep seing featured on the web...that gives me the creeps - would I have to run from a cat if I got the stem cell teeth from a mouth/human experiment ..kind of yuck.
There are records of people growing 3rd and even 4th teeth, I grew 2 wisdom teeth from the same socket....The body did it once , then again (adult teeth ) so it knows how to do it. Hamsters and crocodiles grow more than 2 sets of teeth - so why not humans ?