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Re: Please check my protocol
Telman Views: 1,714
Published: 11 y
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Re: Please check my protocol

Why Soda-Cola?

Cola drinks contain Phosphoric acid which is used as an acidifying agent to give them their tangy flavour.

Due to the use of phosphoric acid, cola is a actually more acid than lemon juice or vinegar. The vast amount of Sugar acts to mask and balance the acidity. You are looking for a cola with an phosphoric acid content of 3%.

Phosphoric acid also goes by E338, orthophosphoric acid, and phosphoric(V) acid.

I think you protocol is rushed. It takes time to kill parasites and cleanse. People who perceive life in a time-urgent way run the risk of self-defeating behaviours and thoughts such as being excessively worried about schedules, keeping overly tight deadlines, rushing when rushing is not necessary, doing several activities at the same time, and not taking the time to really enjoy work or play. This leads to necessary stress and health problems.


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