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Re: Please check my protocol
Stimpy123 Views: 1,526
Published: 11 y
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Re: Please check my protocol

Soda cola is just Coca Cola. Use that. Use caffeine-free if caffeine bothers you. Don't use sugar-free, better to ingest a little Sugar rather than aspertane, etc.
I suppose you are on a healthy Diet now. Drink 8 glasses of purified water each day.
A cup of oil seems too much, most protocols use a HALF a cup.
Super Phos 30 is drops you order and add to water and drink for 3 days before each flush. Google it!
I might caution against the apple juice. The apple juice is to get malic acid into your system, but apple juice is very high in natural Sugar and can cause Sugar headaches, upset stomach. Try a trial run to see how your body reacts. If you frequently get weak, dizzy if you go without food for a few hours, forget the apple juice- just order malic acid powder and mix one teaspoon in quart or glass of water, drink each day, sip all day...I add agave syrup to mine to sweeten. Plain distilled water alone is not a substitute for the malic acid you are trying to get.
Also, don't fast all raw or blended vegetables and fruit lightly so you aren't weak feeling. Just stop food 4 hours before you drink the oil. Otherwise, sounds good! Be prepared to do this every few weeks and your health will improve greatly. Best of luck, you are on the path :)


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