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Re: What Adrenal Fatigue Really Is - General Adaptation Syndrome
saywhatagain Views: 2,788
Published: 11 y
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Re: What Adrenal Fatigue Really Is - General Adaptation Syndrome

What I have found by trial and error and studying Ayurveda is that every single food has a completely distinct impact on the body. The impact of carbohydrates varies greatly depending on the type of carbohydrate (grains, fruit, root vegetables). And within each type of carbohydrate, every food will have a very specific impact on the body. For example, the effect of an apple on the body is quite different from the effect an orange will have on the body, regardless of the fact that they both contain fructose as their primary source of calories. Likewise, other macro-nutrients can have varied impacts depending on the specific source of the food. Modern medicine (and for that matter alternative medicine) is light years away from understanding how food really works. Our model of macro-nutrients, vitamins and minerals is very lacking and fails to comprehend not only the thousands of unknown and undiscovered chemical compounds but the way in which these compounds work together in synergy to produce very specific effects on the body.


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