Re: Zombie House
been doing that it turns out that the substitute has been in use for the last 10 years and is no big deal. (it actually does work) Found local contractor willing to give us a decent price. I sincerely despise the epa but so far, is might actually not damage me.
(famous last words, right?)
I am glad you are back posting, I feel badly that I didn't speak up when you and N were getting bashed, I can only say I will check in more regularly even if my life gets nuts. I'm also moving my shop, so I'm doing one of those big 'change almost everything switches'.
Maybe we will finally have the usd crash everyone and his mother predicted, then totally forgot about....Right when my trading computer is in several pieces.
All I can say is a 52 week low or 52 week high predicts price continuation on monday- people get home catch the news, call their brokers/place orders.