It definitely seems that coming off the prescription Anti-depressants/anxiolytics may be of some benefit, but definitely check with your doctor about an appropriate method of doing so. Then get in to a healthy Diet regimen (does not have to be extreme, but consider whole foods as opposed to processed). Eat regularly and the right amount (use (free) to ensure you are getting the minimum of the RDA of nutrients). Drink plenty of water (for me that is about 3/4 gallon/day). Get some sunshine. Exercise (yoga, walking, playing with a pet (you can do yoga for free-check Try meditation (also free on youtube) to help you relax. These things may also help with anxiety/depression. Fill in your nutritional gaps with supplements. Watch out for pontentially intolerant foods like gluten, soy, corn, eggs, dairy, etc. While you may not notice any negative effect from these, they may be potentially harmful. And, when possible, sleep.