Re: Adrenal Fatigue and liver flush? Edited
You want to hear from someone who has done liver flushes...well here I am. I've done MULTIPLE flushes, and yes, I am one of those people who ended up in the hospital over it.
To the OP,
Liver Flushes are an EXTREMELY bad idea when you're in advanced stages of AF! Please heed this warning and save yourself a boatload of suffering. A liver detox is not bad, as the liver is extremely important to metabolism, but when in sever AF metabolism as a whole is slowed and the liver cannot handle the flush. Trust me, I've been there. When I first became ill the liver was one of the first things I addressed. I had a lot of knowledge on this subject because my mother cured herself of Hep C on natural protocols- but she did not have AF when she did this. Big difference. I began doing flushes and
coffee enemas for about a month, steadily getting worse and worse, and bought myself a ticket to the ER where I was admitted for a week and had to be loaded up with sodium IVs to stabilize. The time for liver cleanse is later on in recovery when the body can handle it. Until then let your body go at its own pace. Do not force anything. If you want to do something very gentle, I suggest an activated charcoal poultice over the liver. I was doing this for quite some time and they seemed to help.
Anyone who knows me will tell you that I despise pharma meds. I think they are awful and I've seen them poison and damage plenty of people. I don't know much about pharmacology, but what I do know is that any sudden and violent effort to the body- whether its quitting a med cold turkey, purging the body with flushes and cleanses, drastic dietary changes, or anything else of that sort- when one has AF is a recipe for disaster.
In the past, before AF, I did plenty of fasts, juice cleanses, liver flushes, colonics...and I had no problem handling them. After AF these protocols which had previously been tolerated without an issue caused me to enter the 7 circles of hell. So please, use caution!
Mikey might still be ill, but he is very very knowledgeable about pharma meds. I can personally attest to this, as I have witnessed first hand the damage that was done to him over an MDs "quit cold turkey" advice. Also Mikey is not on any pharmas, he is recovering from the damage they originally did to him. Listen to him on this matter. He really knows what he is talking about.
I am 90% recovered from AF. Look back on my posts and you will see how severely ill I was, and you'll know my story.
Best of luck to you in your healing :)