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Re: Supplements by Dr. Lam ... anyone ? Adrenal Fatigue as response to new diet?
feo66 Views: 3,541
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Re: Supplements by Dr. Lam ... anyone ? Adrenal Fatigue as response to new diet?

you should check out the book "why am I always so tired" by griddleman. She changed her thinking after becoming sick and doing lots of research.

one reason is the plant based protein is high in copper and low in zinc. combined with chronic stress and adrenal fatigue.... it's a deadly combo for copper toxicity and zinc deficiency.

another reason is you need animal fat to trigger the release of bile for digestion. if you are not releasing much bile .... your main detox pathway becomes inactive. (bile is also how toxins are released)

this is why when vegans start eating animal fats again ....the get gallbladder pain. because it has been inactive for so long.

vitamin b12', K2 can also be low.

there are a lot of vegans that have AF. I did a survey on my site and 19% said they had been vegans or vegetarians. that is way more than the % of the population that are vegans or vegetarians. it seems to be a factor.

Pam Killeen, the lady I do nutritional balancing with also sees a lot of vegans. And it can take a long time to get the gallbladder releasing toxins again.


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