Re: Nutritional Balancing
Hello All,
I haven't been on here in quite a few months, but I stop by every once in a while. I like Hope4myadrenals points and much of what she mentionied. I think that some of us on here who were posting regularly a few months back have seen improvements and have chosen to use the non-sick time to take the world in versus post... I myself, have been in a similar situation the past couple of months and have felt grateful for every day that It's been like this, which fortunately is more than not.
I moved from california to england about 6 months ago, (you can find my story in some of the past posts) I got a test right before I left showing signs that my NA and K levels were moving and that my CA/ MAG levels were well balanced. Things turned around upon the move, slowly and also with adding in new supplements i.e. potassium to assist with my thryoid and cutting out calcium supplementation. I have submit a new sample this week and look forward to seeing how things have progressed recently. I for the first time in a year and half just completed my first contract job for 3 1/2 months working in a high stress environment, it was a huge accomplishment. I like some of you on here was housebound and had some horrific symptoms. I felt lost and sometimes hopeless, but I kept trying new things and eventually settled with a great TEI practitioner and new program, and working on releasing negative emotions with a practitioner. Also learning to balance my stress was key. I still have symptoms and detoxes that seem to correlate with my hormones and something I'm still needing to address and work on, but I am feeling a whole lot better than I have been and am managing to get back into a normal routine without a complete haly. My energy is much better and all. I usually take just a small dosage of supplements a day, I notice for example if I slow down on one and add in more of another I have to then rebalance it every few days or my body will start to detox or my energy will be from one to the other. For me I have found less supplements is more, your body has the capability to heal on it's own so adding in some supplements to boost your system, I find doesn't need to be in high doses. I also find that I don't need to push out detox, aside from the GB3 supplement, I tend to stick with this. ALthough those who have
parasite infections etc, someone above mentioned some great tips on this and how incorporating this can help. But I can say NB has helped me tremendously, also switching over from ARL to TEI. I still have bouts of detox that make me concerned that I'm heading backwards again, but after it's over I always feel so much better, so I know it must be my body wanting to release. At the end of the day you have to go with your gut and what your body is telling you, it knows more than anything and anyone opinions, bc what works for some doesn't work for others and what someone has doesn't necessarily mean another has. I actually found it relieveing to disconnect from the forum just to focus on my own healing and it has helped, sometimes you have to be selfish and put yourself first, especially when you are stuggling, perhaps this is where a lot of the past forum posters have gone. Keep up the work and I think it will pay off!!! It's interesting how it does all come together, don't give up! sending you all healing thoughts xxx