I see this post was made a very long time ago............if anyone is still on this forum, I have some questions. I have MSK. I have a history of UTI's and in the past 10 years, a history of stones. Had shock wave lithotripsy about 6 years ago for several stones. Now I am having more issues. MANY stones ranging from 5mm to 7 mm. Two in ureter. One 7mm is causing moderate obstruction in ureter. One in left kidney is 9 mm. My questions are: Is it possible to EVER pass the larger stones? Should I work on cleansing, stone dissolving protocols? Also, I just became aware of a doc at a major university hospital who does a laswer lithotripsey.......uses a flexible scope to go and and disolve all stones. Anyone know of this? I'd appreciate any ideas from anyone. Feeling pretty discouraged. Thanks so much.