Re: Is this BLOOD in my BOWEL MOVEMENT?!
Yes, that is what I fear as well- and I am entirely paranoid that I already have a systemic infection, and so I am treating it as one. I thought the Albenzadole (sp) was used for systemic infections? When I see the
parasite doctor he more than likely has seen countless cases and will be able to identify my infection and distinguish its severity and whether or not its localized.
When I went to the ER they took my blood and told me my white blood cell count was okay (I think….They probably would have told me if it was elevated, right?!)- they told me nothing else about eosinophilia. They checked my urine, stool and blood and said everything looked normal.
I have been in bed/housebound for over 6 months without much exercise because of social anxiety/agoraphobia- which I think could be a contributing factor to my overall health (involving my cardiovascular health as well as probably the muscle and motor function). I am expecting the doctor to inform me of a systemic infection- but I will not discredit my poor diet and habits leading up to my illness as a reason. I have been experiencing the muscle twitches much less since I have been eating more healthy and doing more exercise (i walked two miles yesterday!) and from the goldenseal.
Thank you for your insight anyway, at least now I know what to expect! I just can't wait to expel all of the little buggers and be on my way to good health- no matter how long it takes. I really value your opinion as somebody with experience, so any answer/response you give me is really important.