Re: Phosphatidyl serine/Seriphos - Why Does it Make Some People Hyperactive/Unable to Sleep?
Thank you so much for all the info! I'm sorry we're both suffering from these symptoms, but it's also such a benefit to hear that I'm not the only one, and to get information from people who understand what I'm going through. Thanks again. I will update my post once I get the results of my adrenal saliva test. I'm seeing a full MD who specializes in holistic medicine. He mostly treats CFS, but is aware of adrenal fatigue issues.
I'm going to try lithium orotate (to lower adrenaline) for a few nights with NO Seriphos. I remember the lithium alone gave me wonderful sleep, but then I added Seriphos and all hell broke loose. At the time I didn't make the connection.
I'm taking 500mg B5 and 1000mcg sublingual B-12 lately, first thing in the morning, just to have energy to get things done during the day. If the lithium O. doesn't help, I may lower these others supplements to see if that has a positive affect.
Months ago, I cut out all other adrenal stimulants like tyrosine, maca, rhodiola, panax ginseng, etc. because they were giving me awful insomnia. I've been hoping the B-5 and B-12 with high doses of vitamin C would help support my adrenals without overstimulating them. It's hard to find the right balance between enough but not too much.
I'm also going to have a neurotransmitter test that includes measurement of adrenaline levels. Hopefully it will come up with some useful data. Thank you again for your help!