Re: PLEASE help with hiv, mms, coconut oil, apple cider vinegar. DESPARATE
Hello :)
I know this is an old old discussion, but people, like myself, might still read it.
That young lady wrote:
"i bought some mms and just took my first dose, 2 drops, apple cider vinegar and coconut oil."
But on this website
The recommended not to use
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement +
citric acid and Apple cider vinegar at the same time.
My take on this is that maybe the alkalizing effect of ACV counteracts the acidifying properties of
citric acid thus preventing the formation of chlorine dioxide ? Anyways, here's the quote:
"Second, do NOT use any type of vinegar when making chlorine dioxide. Using vinegar is old technology. There are exactly three things you can use to mix with Miracle Mineral Supplement (MMS) to make chlorine dioxide:
citric acid powder, if purchased from an
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement vendor (recommended item),
2) fresh squeezed lemon juice, (you must squeeze real lemons yourself and refrigerate it),
3) fresh squeezed lime juice, (you must squeeze real limes yourself and refrigerate it"