Re: PLEASE help with hiv, mms, coconut oil, apple cider vinegar. DESPARATE
my heart goes out to you, try not worry, lots of alternatives out there and more being developed all the time ! dont know if mms works ,coconut oil great vitacost,com has best price virgin $4 50 16oz and extra virgin $7.15 by jarrows formula good company,,here are some really good site , down the bottem they hav info on aids ,, ,,,,,do search on ultriviolet light therapy at the least it woll knock viral load down,,,,,,intraviniuos c at the least will knock viral loads down,,,,,on mms may work its on wich is wolrd renouned and is getting into ,,,if your go to ,i am on there for hepatitis-c and trying to find cures for that and cancer ect ect ect ,,, my ems if you need anything ,hugs dan ---your looking in the right direction your going to be ok ,god's speed in guiding in the right direction