Re: True Confession
>- just take live specimens of
parasites and run the devices on them and see what happens
That would be a good start except that
parasites are dependent and do not last very long outside of the hosts body.
The best way would be for an internist to use a zapper or
frequency generator whenever they came across any intestinal
parasites when doing a endoscopy / colonoscopy.
As for your doubts, you may find this funny but when I first heard about zappers and zapping that it was 7 years later before I even tried one. I just did not believe that it would really work. After all, I was a biology major and attended graduate school in Biomedical engineering. If it worked, surely they would have mentioned it.
The problem is, and I agree with you and other skeptics on this point, it does not always work and it is not consistent. Why do 60 percent of users for this one particular problem claim success and the other 40 percent have dismal results? Is this, however, not also true for many drugs? I believe that the main reason that zappers do not always work is first, that they are not identical.
I know that I have repeated this many times but some zappers vary by as much as 20 percent in accuracy, others like the Z4EX vary by about 5 percent, while the CC1, CC2, UZI, UZI-2, and UZI-3 are about 0.25 percent and the MY is is close to absolute ( most frequencies are +/- 0.1 Hz ).
Accuracy of frequency is a contributing factor but not the only one. The Rife users will certainly tell you that it takes more than one frequency to be successful.
The point here is, consider the zapper to be a tool. Buy a good one.