Re: True Confession
Why do 60 percent of users for this one particular problem claim success and the other 40 percent have dismal results?
What "success" means ? Vague blurry claims again.
I know that I have repeated this many times but some zappers vary by as much as 20 percent in accuracy, others like the Z4EX vary by about 5 percent, while the CC1, CC2, UZI, UZI-2, and UZI-3 are about 0.25 percent and the MY is is close to absolute ( most frequencies are +/- 0.1 Hz ).
Accuracy of frequency is a contributing factor but not the only one. The Rife users will certainly tell you that it takes more than one frequency to be successful.
Why the accuracy of frequency should be important if no one knows how the electric signal produced by a zapper is supposed to do ?
Also even if you manage to produce an accurate frequency, and if we assume that what
Hulda Clark claimed is true, helminths emit/can be damaged by several frequencies depending on their life stage (level of growth), so to produce only one accurate frequency has no reason to be important.
However i agree that to produce a clean square wave (with a frequency) with a high enough intensity must have a more powerful impact on the movement of electrons and therefore can possibly cause more damage to the cells than others wave form.