I'm glad your still fighting and I won't give up till they've mistaken me as the living dead and begun to burn me at the cross. (worms protruding from every clogged pore, crack, and crevice of my body) I can't help but feel that naturopaths are criminals, just like snake-oil salesmen.
I think we still have new vectors of attack available. (Pun intended) The whole anthelmintic arsenal hasn't been used. Do a quick search of novel anthelmintics in google. These new chemicals haven't been put in widespread use. We could obtain a synthesis of these chemicals and guinea pig ourselves.
Drimentines could be of interest.
If we want to beat this, we have to spear head an attack. If an organism has twenty thousand children a day, infects most of the world, the favorable mutation window is pretty large for these parasites. Natural selection has played its' hand, it's time to play ours.