Re: Help Needed: Rope Worm Questionnaire - An Unofficial Survey
1. Age of AI = 40
2. State/Country of AI = uk
3. Gender of AI: female
4. What is the current state of health of the AI (low quality, average quality, above average quality)?
Average to low
5. Does the AI have what visually appears to be ropes? (see photos in above research paper)
Yes, all stages
6. Approximately when was the first rope seen?
3 months ago
7. Approximately how many ropes have been seen since the first rope was noticed?
8. What symptoms has the AI experienced in reference to the ropes?
Joint pain, fatigue, blocked gas, immunity impairment, heavy phlegm on upper respiratory system. Blockage in throat, infection in gallbladder, throat infections and abscesses (quincy) in throat
9. Does the AI have a bloated belly on a regular basis? not every day.
10. Is the AI currently eating a cleansing diet high in raw fruits and vegetables? If not, what is the current diet of the AI?
Yes, some free range meat, avoiding fungus.
11. Does the AI suffer from Celiac disease or gluten sensitivity (i.e. sensitivity to wheat, barely, oats or rye)?
Sight sensitivity to gluten
12. Does the AI have
food allergies or
food sensitivities ?
Not much im aware of, avoiding dairy because of phlegm.
13. Does the AI have behavioral or mood issues?
anger and depression
14. Have the ropes been seen only in stool or have they been seen coming out of the nose?
15. Are the ropes appearing in the stool appearing naturally or are they seen with the assistance of home enemas or colon hydrotherapy (colonics)?
with the use of praziquantel, albendazole, ivermectin, levamisol, fluconadazole. (Klinghardt systemic protocol)
16. If enemas are used, what type(s) of enemas are used?
mms and volinsky eucalyptus and lemon
17. If Volinsky enemas have been used (i.e. eucalyptus broth, milk & salt or lemon) has the AI seen any effectiveness?
18. Does the AI have a history of chronic constipation?
19. Does the AI have a history of sinus issues, migraine headaches or breathing issues?
sinus infection, upper respiratory infection, inhaler produces no relief.
20. Does the AI have a history of acne? If so, have
Acne medications such as Accutane (a.k.a. Roaccutane) been used?
21. Is the AI currently suffering or recovering from Autism?
22. Is the AI currently suffering or recovering from chronic fatigue?
diagnosed with fibromyalgia, suffer with tiredness but not diagnoses with CFS
23. Is the AI currently suffering or recovering from Lyme Disease?
Undiagnosed, recently finished 6 months of doxycycline, joint pain now returning.
24. Is the AI currently suffering or recovering from Morgellon’s Disease?
Yes, 23 years of Morgellons D
25. Is the AI currently suffering or recovering from any intestinal disease? If so, what kind?
other worms
26. Has the AI had a history of a weakened immune system?
27. Has the AI had a history of taking
Antibiotics ? Please note extent if possible.
for chest infections, and recently 6months doxy pulsed with tinidazole (6 weeks). I found my response to the antifungal fluconadazole was v intense, so I decided to rest from the
Antibiotics , but also my doctor refuses to continue to prescribe.
28. If
Antibiotics have been used, please list the names of specific antibiotics used if possible?
Doxycycline and tinidazole for lyme and morg
29. Has the AI had a stool test(s) when ropes were present? If so, what was the determination?
30. Does the AI have any symptoms of malabsorption in terms of an obvious lack of nutrients being absorbed in the small intestine (i.e. thin hair, thin nails, thinness)?
31. Has the AI used pharmaceutical anti-parasitic agents to treat the ropes? If so, which ones? Please note effectiveness.
praziquantel:effective albendazole:effective better when taken with prazi. Ivermectin: better when taken with prazi or levamisol. Fenbendazole:milder, supposed to help with morg, some fibres exited upon intial intake.
32. Has the AI used herbal parasitic formulas to control the ropes? If so, which ones? Please note effectiveness.
33. If the AI lives in the U.S., has the AI traveled outside of the U.S.? If so, which countries have been visited?
34. Do AIs residing in countries outside of the U.S. have any indications of a place they may have visited when a rope
parasite exposure may have occurred?
India? this is where I suffered bad health from a tick bite.
35. Is there any other information that the AI or guardian of AI would like to include in this survey?
I am not sure if taking abx is a good idea now as I feel this rope worm or whatever other component is present has a large fungal element, possibly made worse by abx. I would be greatful for any advice on this matter? My problem is that these rope worms live in my throat and I have been going through a terrifying experience for many years as they have gradually begun to squeeze my throat, and lay some kind of larvae in my throat, which I sometimes have had to massage out to ease the choking sensation. I am in desperate need of help, turned away as delusional by the UK medical community and no longer attend any appointments with them. The eneamas produce no results, I cannot seem to take them,the liquid is ejected almost immediately, and the gas emerges. Sometimes I spend hours trying this but to no avail. Please advise as to what option is available when these worms have become systemic? The antiparasiticals are not a long term option, and they only produce 2 or 3 worm pieces a day, I think I have identified what could be the worm head, do we have any positive identification images to help us with this?
thankyou for you active response to this serious issue.