Re: Please help me get well
Hi again!!
Your going to think this is crazy!!
I was suffering from HP symptoms and my stomach was a lousy circus act. If I took HCL the HP would counter act with release of "sodium bicarbonate" think that's what it's called...eventually leading to almost a non feeling stomach; meaning I could eat a pepper and it felt like it never hit bottom. The bloating was ridiculous. Started to worry/have anxiety about stomach cancer etc..
Decided to make Pau d'arco tea for a few days...Then I downed a Tablespoon of Wild Oil of Oregano (read this somewhere on Curezone) with keifer (my desperate days :/ ) and it seemed like it disintegrated the microbial whatever that was causing me to not make enough hydrochloric acid (HCL). Did not have any labs done on this, so it's just another story...
However...Back to the Ropeworm (Sorry!! Redundant)the info states that the jelly/Ropeworm stages can go all the way up to the stomach. Perhaps the jelly was coating my stomach causing all this added mayhem?
Neat group of folks on Cure Zone at this time...Really interesting topics.