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Anorexic & High-fat Zone
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Anorexic & High-fat Zone

Most people here are either going down the wrong road to recovery, such as doing the wrong diet, or chasing the dragon, such as thinking the have parasites, their adrenals have burned out, or that candida has over-taken their bodies and causing all their problems.

After posting on here for a while, doing a lot of research, and observing the people who got well and the one's that never seem to, I've concluded the two biggest problems people here suffer from are:

1 - not getting enough calories
2 - diets too high in fat & not enough carbs (low-carb)

Some of my threads dispelling the notion of "adrenal fatigue":


My thread dispelling the notion that candida is causing all your problems:

My thread showing you probably don't have parasites, but are malnourished instead:

My thread about how low-carb/high-protein was killing me (I've since gone high-carb/low-fat):


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