Re: Long-term use of ashwagandha - OK?
Thanks for your experience. I also definitely feel it if I lower or skip my ashwaghanda dose. It does feel kind of like a benzo comedown to me.
Cycles I have heard suggested are from Dr. Lam "5 days on and 2 days off" (for his AdrenoBlast combination of licorice, ashwaghanda, glandular). He also said that as far as ashwaghanda "it depends on the body, some people do OK on it long term, others do not".
And I have heard 6 weeks on, 2 weeks off.... or 8 weeks on and 2 weeks off.... or several months on and 1 month off.
I don't remember where I read those cycles, but I have read them somewhere, from someone.
The doctor I have most recently consulted with, Dr. Shames, said that in his clinical experience... taking this low-dose blend (approx 100mg a day ASH) was no concern... even for years. He is less cautious about adaptogens than some doctors but his advice to me has been good in other areas, so I have some trust for him.