12 y
Re: Bible Origins
do agree with you that God is Spirit and does not have a gender. He did come to
earth as a man. Jesus was a man. The rest of your ramblings come from your
cracker jack box studies from men who must have gotten degrees from that source
or something similiar to that old famous cracker jack box. Also, a little
advice, test the spirit that you are communicating with to see if it is really
I don't have time to answer your foolish questions."
I don't have any foolish questions - I have all of my answers within me just
like Jesus taught.
I have tested the spirit with whom I have a two way communication and there
is is no question that it is God. If you or anyone else communicates with
God and the voice is any voice except your own - it is not God.
Jesus is not God. He is no different that you or I or anyone else on
the Planet. We are each a bright spark of light and a part of the Divine.
By the way, you are hilarious.