Thankyou, my instinct tells me that your recommendations are the way to go. I am just so sick my liver cannot seem to handle any detoxidfying. If I was to start with juicing do you have any recommendations. I cannot handle fruit as the Sugar increases symptom which I suspect is due to candida. Raw foods and enzymes give me terrible attack over the gallbladder liver. IN October of last year I was attempting to address my hernia which was causing severe burning over the chest and under the ribs which lowered my oxygen level by 30percent PFT.Due to the inflammation I couldn't breath properly. I tried raw veggies and ACV which led to 40 times the normal liver enzymes in the hospital for a week. What do you think is the best way to cleanse and heal the bowel first. DR. Schultz #2 Juicing?
I so appreciate your insight.