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Re: please help.anyone with knowledge on liver,lymphatic system. near the end. i would greatly appreciate any insight

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coatzalcoatlx Views: 4,490
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Re: please help.anyone with knowledge on liver,lymphatic system. near the end. i would greatly appreciate any insight


Much advise given here on this forum. Its hard to sort out what is relevant and what will work. What can be trusted and what is noise...a hard call.

There are certain universal truths that resonate with commone sense, and mother nature.

In brief If I can urge you to take the follwing higher level approach to solving your problem. Herewith a few thoughts that I hope you will find useful.

Using medication will simply add to your total toxic burden/load. The symptoms you mention above began with the use of some form of medication or another. (age 19??).  You know the answer to this better than anyone else. Such medication did NOT deal with the cause of the problem. It tried to treat the symptom. Such an approach to human health is flawed at best and potential harmful in the long term.

If on the other hand you sought a clean UN PROCESSED DIET rich in fresh fruits and veggies, if you sought out a natural non invasive means to clean up the bodies various filters. There are five such filters you have access to. These filters are also called Organs of Elimination.... chances are you would be taking a path that would lead you in a better direction.

Seek to eliminate any and all forms of processed/chemical laden food from your diet. (Bread is the most obvious offender) Processed food most likely contributed to the problem, and will not make it better....only worse. Seek to put only whole/clean foods into your body. Fruits are cleansers and veggies will re build. Fresh juices are foods. Clean white meat if you insist on consuming some form of "animal" protein...

Seek to clean up your bodies organs of elimination. There are 5 of them When these filter sare in optimum condition your body will be able to handle most modest toxic onslaughts.

Seek to be parasite free. Chances are pretty good that there will be some sort of parasite load within that is adding to your woe. Cleaning the liver as per the suggestion below is a great step in the right direction. The so called Parasite "Meds" touted on this forum will not do it. They will add to the toxic load and not break the parsite cycle. A good reputable herbal anti parasite/worm formulae such as the PWA will make major inroads to working with this aspect.

As you clean up your internal terrain, as you introduce clean foods that will rebuild your over a period of time will the natural healing mechanism within your body be able to bring you back towards balance and hopefully wellness.

A colon cleanse may be too harsh initially....simply fresh pressed veggie juices, fruit juices will serve to begin to clean the intestinal tract.  Green Smoothies will work miracles in both cleaning and nourishing. When used with a conservative herbal bowel cleanse (despit the runs you are experiencing), could be of value in helping your to clean house internally.

Herewith some inspiration on getting the liver back on line. The liver is sooo profoundly important, and very often misunderstood by many.

I hope the above is useful and gets you heading back from the edge of despair.

Best Wishes to You.



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