Re: Governments are people.
19 makes many valid points. We all need a reality check,however, 19 is only scratching the surface on this one topic. I read all of 19's posts and have enjoyed them all,(paragraphs would be nice though) if you remember back to November of 2004 when MH first started posting then you remember people saying he was a disinfo agent sent by the Big Pharma companies to lead us all down the wrong path so we would all get frustrated with natural healing, then go back to taking DRUGS,lol.
Anyways, check out Len Horowitz's books "DNA:Pirates of the Sacred Spiral" and "Healing Codes for the Biological Apocalypse" for some good information, you can read about how the US government tried to KILL Dr. Horowitzs co-author right after their book "Healing Codes" came out back in 1999,then you can read the info many don't want the "masses" to know about.
I have listened to Dr. Horowitz speak in person at a seminar in my city, and sure enough, in the middle of his lecture some guy stood up and started asking asinine questions, I think almost everyone knew this guy was a paid shill sent to disrupt the lecture and Dr. Horowitz basically stated the same thing while answering this guys questions patiently and IN FULL, frustrating the guy. The "shill" ended up sitting in the lobby, speaking loudly into his cell phone about how Dr. Horowitz wouldn't answer his questions, trying to make a scene to everyone that was either just arriving to the lecture or leaving for the night. Just one example of how TPTB have ample resources to to try and stop the truth from getting out.
No one has ALL the info, but I truly believe if you are sincere and ask for guidance, the information will come to you in many forms. I know many have thwarted assasination attempts many times while traveling the USA in order to get the truth out to people,look at Joe Viallis, KILLED because of what he had uncovered re: the Tsumani of 2004 and many other black ops around the world.