You are right about women being stupid. Well, actually they are not stupid, but too trusting! Working outside the home is good, financial dependence is a trap. I was raised Catholic, the woman was expected to stay home and have as many kids as possible and cook and clean and serve for free, while the man had a fun, interesting, prestigous job outside the home and got paid for it. The woman was supposed to sacrifice and do for others, and not work for pay, while the church never said anything about the husbands going out to bars when they got home from work and spending weekends on the golf course or whatever hobby they liked! You know, the men work hard and deserve to relax, meanwhile the woman worked even harder for no pay or recgonition or respect. And I heard many of my relattives husbands tell them that they were the boss since they made the money. Then the husband gets bored and finds someone younger and the woman is worn out and has no way to support herself. It's a trap, women like to think their husband wouldn't hurt them and end up poor and oppressed. I really admire independent women who take care of themselves.