Re: The real dummies are
The world has been a mess since the 4th century, the war has never stopped and all are generations depleted of normal life. When fruit eaters turn to meat things are bound to happen, no doubt humans are eating humans as well. We feed cows to cows, pigs to pigs and then wonder why we get sick when we eat them.
Abuse is the norm, living for $$$$$$ creates a system of disaster.
The most peaceful people on earth are the naked natives living on the earth with no phones, no electric, no house, no cars, no $$$ system and nothing to do all day but PLAY! Sex is never a problem, marriage is unknown, everyone co-operates if they want to eat/live. Once sick they don't try to live past their time.
Education comes with allot of respondsibilities that all lead to living for mankind and not for GOD. The earth cycles and we are entering what was refered to as the days of Noah, more and more corruption until the right is wrong and wrong is right. Judgement day comes and then once again the earth's people slowly start all over again and once again we will build cities upon cities.
Public education is slave education, once the child is corrupted, they will never live in peace/harmony with nature. This is why the Bible says to have no belongings, EVERYTHING we own, causes us to be a slave to it, only when we walk away with but 1 set of cloths and trust God to supply all our needs, not until then can we be free. PAUL taught this more than anything else, NEVER MARRY, never have SEX, never eat meat, never be a slave to anything. Freedom comes to those that trust only God. Today society looks at such people as FREAKS and we have laws to hunt these loners down and throw them in jail and they will be lucky if we don't experiemnt upon their bodies and end up in some lab being diced up to make drugs or be eaten by the really perverted people on this earth.
There is a ship refered to as Noah's ship, the story of Noah was written many centuries after the ship was found, Noah never existed, but the story is a true type story refering to NATURE and this story has been carved into the anchors of the ancient ship and can be seen today in person or on video. The earth has cycled many times, we humans have came and gone many times.
The human female/male problem dates back to the days of Adam and Eve, naturally these 2 figured never existed, but their story is true in Nature. Adam being the first male to appear upon the scene of all women was the first sign the world was degenerating, the first 2 to mate was the beginning of the end and woman was cursed for doing so with the male and the rest is history.
The females largest problem is she is public educated, she is programed to be what society wants her to be. She is poisoned from conception to have large breast and be taught to be anything but a good mother. TV perverts the family and all the soaps / Oprah and female shows on TV are an avenue to destruction. The boys and girls are trained to have a troubled life, public educaton does this so the Roman Empire can keep control over the people by use of their court system, the divorced family is a controlled family by design. The Roman Catholic familys are trained to have 10 kids and stay married while all others fall victim to the court systems and ebcome slaves or poor people that allow the Roman Catholic familys to rule over them via $$$$$$$$$$$$. Every religion is a victim of the Roman Empire there are so many games played to keep the people inslaved via the use of MASON $$$$$$$$$.
It is no wonder the family is the greatest victim of all. A united family is a powerful army, one the governments do not want!!!!!!! The governments need everyone to be disorganized and stupid and live in fear of the court system.