Hi ladies,
I'm not reading about anyone liver flushing! Flushes are mandatory when you're killing so many parasites. Think about all the debris and eggs that are lodged in the liver, preventing the liver from doing its job, such as filtering blood and regulating hormones. If you're not cleansing the liver you keep reinfecting yourself with the eggs that are stuck in the liver, thus undoing all your effort at killing parasites. In addition, Liver Flushing has a rejuvenating effect on the body and hormones. I have been doing flushes for years on my long journey of finding health and I don't have any side effects from killing parasites . In fact, I look 10 years younger. My doctors do a double take when they see my age on paper.
I can't stress enough how important it is to use all of the beneficial protocols presented on this website rather than getting bogged down on just one protocol.