Re: On Day 12 Of ICU's Protocol, Confused/Have Questions
I second that, Hope! After all the dr.'s and all the searching over 3 plus years trying to figure out what was wrong with me. I remember when I first stumbled upon 'here' I was an emotional wreak, everyone thought I was 'seeing things' boy the letter along with pictures that some of these so called professionals who either misdiagnosed or told me to see a psychiatrist are going to get from me when I am cured!
Also wanted to mention, I'd take as many cycles as it took rather than be faced with a resistance situation, that would be awful. Also, to tell you ladies that by the time I found this wonderful place I have lost more than a third, close to half of my hair....and it's pretty fine, too. At least the first protocol stopped that for which I am forever grateful.
I too, have wondered about all of the other ingredients that are formulated for cattle & sheep included with the medicine we are taking it for. Odd dreams anyone? :)
Everyone hang in there and best of luck! I get to start back on a new one...just adding ivermectin to the albenzadole...on Sat & I can't wait!