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My 9 month NB experience
Pathway to Peace Views: 2,793
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My 9 month NB experience

I really resonated with Amy's experience, because this has also been my own personal experience. This is my NB story for the last 9 months.

In April 2012, I came across a book in the library called "Depression-Free Naturally" by Joan Mathews-Larson.
After scoring high on tests for Pyloruria-related anxiety and hypoglycemia,I started orthomolecular supplementation
with the prescribed recipes. After about 2 months I started incorporating some extra supplment suggestions from Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt which I found free on Youtube.

After 4 months of this self-supplementation, and feeling like my body chemistry had changed, I decided to get a hair analysis done and work with ARL to see where my minerals levels were at.

My 1st hair test wasn't too bad at all, but through the course of the next 9 months,while I dumped lots of copper, aluminum and manganese, I stayed a slow oxidizer,and my minerals ratios widened and got worse.

I believe now, it was an ever increasing deficiency of potassium and magnesium, and my problem with Paramin dosage and vitamin D. Then there was one hair test where I was
diagnosed as having excess Potassium and a fast oxidizer, when in reality, I had lost alot of Potassium and was still a slow oxidizer. During that stage the supplements I was on, especially the Limcomin, made me feel so bad. It affected me so much that I thought I would go off the deep end, both mentally and emotionally. I also looked like I felt.. so entirely depleted.

Throughout my whole ARL experience, I have to say that I felt awful most of the time, chalking it all up to detox and retracing, but I just didn't clue into the Magnesium and Potassium escalating issue until by accident I ran out of all of my supplements and was waiting for my new supplements to arrive. When I suddenly stopped taking any supplements, for the 1st time, I felt so much better, although not 100%, as I still had great fatigue.

When I received my new supplements, and started up again, I began to go back to feeling really bad again. With my experience behind me, along with innate intuition, I concluded that this cycle was not going to get better and left ARL.

I have since switched to TEI and Rick Malter and I am now only on a few supplements for now until my next hair test.

The supplements I am on are Magnesium, Magnesium Gel, Potassium, Vitamin C and Zinc. All at small dosages.

The absolutely amazing thing is that in the short 2 weeks or so, that I have been on this protocol, I have become a completely different person. My depression, brain fog, major fatigue and lack of motivation have literally disappeared (like poof!) and I feel bright and alive and like I have been turned on.. I have energy for the first time, in like, so long I can't even remember.. :D I feel like I am getting my life back and I am so excited!


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