Re: New Here
Ornithine and citrulline are used up by the body when you have a lot of ammonia from parasitic metabolic end products that cause the panic attacks. Panic attacks release a lot of adrenalin and wear out the adrenal glands. I don't know what the mechanism is that causes the rebound anxiety, but the benzos manipulate the natural GABA in the brain, so Dr. Sahley's Anxiety Control 24 (hours) formula is what I used to come off the benzos. That's natural GABA plus some good calming herbs. Of course you know the drugs are powerful poisons and it's going to take a while to get them out of your system. Doc recommends the L ornithine for panic attacks. Up to 8 a day in divided doses. It's just protein.
Dr. Sahley is an expert at using amino acids. She has a protocol. B6, Mag Link, Vitamin E, Mag Chlor, Super Balanced Neurotransmitter Complex with GABA, taurine, use the prescribed dosage on the bottles. Start with 400 mg of Vitamin E and work up to 800 a day. I used the C-blast from
because it's all natural and not just part of the vitamin C molecule like the ascorbic acid. At least 3000 mg of Vitamin C a day for detox. Be careful with it and don't detox too fast. Some amino acids are detoxifying.
BTW, hindsight is ALWAYS 20/20, isn't it??? The experience revealed to me that I should never get caught up in the drug scene again. MD's are taught to do drugs. They poison and maniipulate the body and the brain wrecking havock on the whole body. P-E-R-I-O-D!!! If you want to stay healthy and not die an early, painful death, dispense with them. "If we know how a drug works, we can find a natural substance that does the same thing". I don't know who said that, but it's true. Ony use a drug in an emergency, and then clean it out of your body.
We get our immune systems back by cleaning out the body and by feeding it the nutrients it has lost. We have to re-build the body from the devastation the bugs and drugs did. Candida is a parasite.
Alternative doctors are very good at what they do, but be mindful of the fact that they are out to sell products and that's a con, if you don't clean out the body. Drugs pave the way for parasites to take up shop in your body, so killing off the parasites and cleaning it out is as important if not more so than feeding the body the nutrients it needs to recover.
Just so you know what most of us on this forum have used as an antiparasitic.
That's Barefoot's regular formula or his PW/A Get 4 bottles at a time and start killing off the parasties, then do his LBB for a while and don't add the Schulze #2 formula until you have had long enough time to soften that colon junk up. then folow his instructions for doing it. The liver flushes can be started after 2 weeks on the dewormer, but you're not ready for that yet. Get rid of the drugs, first. It's a long road, but it's your life that's at stake here and your future health. Only 3 causes of disease: parasites, chemical poisons (that includes heavy metals) and radiation. Dont be one who will end up with cancer or any one of the old or new diseases out there that the medical is making so much money on "treating" them with what caused them in the first place. You CAN'T TREAT A DISEASE. You only can get rid of the cause.