Here are small things that helped me keep it at bay (not eradicating it). VitC acidophilus raw garlic virgin coconut oil sauerkraut. Diet is a big part of the healing dr.Bakker is right - you might wanna check if a similar to candida diet is ok for you . Another useful thing is kefir if you tolerate (i can't due to milk intolerance).
if you want to succeed - low carbs no sweets no refined foods especially flours no alcohol beer ...some even said no rice? Others no fats? You have to try if these are true for you but sweets Sugar refined flour alcohol should be out...
During my readings I many times found a chronic Hpilory infection is linked with (or even help to produce) parasitic or other bacterial infections due to low stomach acid. Also low B12 and low hemoglobin. Some said B12 supplementation should be OK but no Fe supplementation while having bacterial overgrowth. It make sense.