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Re: Immune restoration Th1/Th2 balance.
saywhatagain Views: 5,940
Published: 12 y
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Re: Immune restoration Th1/Th2 balance.

Can't argue with the main premise of the article, I certainly agree that depressed immunity is really THE cause of all candida overgrowth problems. The triggers stated in the article are certainly true but I actually feel that there are more specific causes of depressed immunity, namely the health and balance of the central nervous system and the endocrine system. These are basically the two master systems in the body that govern everything about how the body will function including the immune system. Some of the same triggers that throw the immune system out of balance are also trigger that throw the endocrine system into disarray. It is certainly a much more detailed discussion than just the causes presented in this article. The 31 recommendations that are mentioned as being beneficial to support re-balancing the immune system seems a bit debatable, but many of them could be beneficial, I just don't know how helpful these recommendations are for the average person trying to get their health back, as they may not all be applicable for everyone.


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