Immune restoration Th1/Th2 balance.
This should be an every day topic in every
Candida Forum .
Chronic candidiasis has immunologic roots. Many people spend months and even years treating chronic candidiasis with a diet and supplements to manage the symptoms only to forget that immune restoration is needed to come back to a normal life.
If you don't find the root of the problem, you are as close to a bite of any sugary food to have all your symptoms back.
It is the immune system what doesn't allow candida to flourish on the tissues in spite it never eradicate it completely.
Th1/Th2 balance is extremely important to achieve a complete cure. It is here where Mercury and other causes play an important role. Mercury drives the immune system to a chronic Th2 mode.
Th1 is what controls and battles fungus. If it is suppressed, candida flourishes no maters what you do regarding to diet and supplements.
It is only when people target and eliminate the root of the problem when chronic candidiasis is eradicate totally.
Here is a tremendous article explaining the importance of a well balanced immune response.