Re: Hi! I'm new here and I want help.
I completely agree with Eric's remarks. Cleaning up your diet is definitely in order. Do not eat anything processed. Cut out gluten and all dairy(no cheese, milk, or yogurt). Try fish, chicken, turkey, vegetables, fruits, brown rice, quinoa, millet, water (lots of water-3-4 quarts/day), a natural multivitamin, Celtic/Himalayan
Sea Salt , etc. Internal cleansing should also be done as well. You can find multi-detoxification pathway supplements at your local supplement store such as GNC or The Vitamin Shoppe reasonably priced for around $50 or less. Once you have completed a thorough cleanse/detoxification you can start to replenish the healthy flora in your gut with probiotics.
You may eventually be able to add dairy back to your diet if you so choose. It is my opinion that dairy is unhealthy and for long term health should be eliminated. This is just my opinion.
Don't consider your ailment as a problem, but rather a Godsend that puts you on the path to better health. Many have experienced problems like yours and have persevered through them and are now better for it and you will too.