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Come on!!! worms in the head.....ending up in the toilet.....????
seedsower Views: 4,938
Published: 12 y
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Come on!!! worms in the head.....ending up in the toilet.....????

so someone above wrote of haivng issues with the head til they flushed two big parasites out.....

How does a paraite that big get from the brain into the intestines and into the toilet...???

I am quite offended by most of this conversation as it just seems so unbelievable - do people have parasites? Absolutely!!!

But some of these stories seem so far fetched...really really really far fetched!!!

Can someone point me to some information that at least suggests the possibilty of some of these claims

because I REALLY appreciate this web site and all the help I get here BUT I am offended by alot of this....

And please dont quote from books or websites, or use pictures...or personal stories or stories from other doctors....I need some real evidence that people have parasites in their brains and using some simple flushes these GIANT worms make their migration from the head to toilet in one

Anyhow AGAIN - I am more than happy to be proven wrong.....It's just to be 'proven' wrong I need some.......'proof'

and when I am wrong - which happens! I will apologize with sincerity

Thank you all!

soory to offend others....its just that I am offended myself..


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