Re: Has anyone here been successful at eliminating parasites in the head and face?
You may want to consider ALL options when it comes to problems of the eye, whether it be in, on, behind the eye or the lids. Get your
Iodine levels checked first to exclude the possibility of TED (thyroid eye disease). I've seen many a patient with weird occular sensations that disappeared once their thyroid functioned optimally. The cells of your eyes contain an incredible amount of thyroid receptors, and a lack of the active hormone T3 or an excess of T3 can create havoc here. Grave's disease (hyperthyroidism) is an extreme example which can have the eye's literally bulging from their sockets.
Make sure you macrominerals are all there and that there are no deficiencies, especially sodium and potassium, magnesium and calcium. I've seen plenty of weird eye problems resolved once the calcium/magnesium levels were brought up.
Don't immediately think of "parasites" when you have strange crawling sensations in or on the body. This is a rather simplistic view of the body, think more of subtle biochemical imbalances. Pains and sensations are warning signs, and most can be fully resolved with a bit of thought and insight into cause and effect.