Re: Please diagnose me
You have a toxic putrid festering colon and most probably leaky gut and maybe parasites, and probably some yeast overgrowth. What you need to concentrate on is healing the colon. Do not dwell on
parasites dwell on the putrid festering mess in the colon. Psylliun, bentonite, herbs,(swedish bitters) juicing,are all needed. Do not expect any quick relief this could take you a year or more maybe two or three if you concentrate your efforts. For you for now cooked foods will be easier to digest and those cooked foods should be steamed vegetables and other easily digested foods. No wheat,no dairy, no sugar. Your days of eating junk are over if you want to get serious about this. Read up on it, do and take anything that will improve digestion and clean the colon.
juicing greens will go a long way in your case. Do not give up do not think you are not getting better,do not go back to eating any junk. Only eat healthy food. Clean the colon improve the digestion, its vital. Alkalize, mineralize. No chicken, no turkey,no meat unless its small amounts of grass fed beef.You must eat easy to digest foods, or use the digestive enzymes without fail. Your colon is really a filthy mess and it will not get clean in a day a week or a month. Also use whole leaf fresh raw aloe mixed with water in a blender. It tastes bad but consider it medicine. Forget the zapping.