Re: Please diagnose me
Thanks for sharing your stories guys.
I know I am on downwards spiral right now. I am also student but probably will drop out because those health problems.
But I can’t heal myself not knowing what I am fighting against.
If it is Candida and I will eliminate most foods for weeks I will just soften symptoms. And then again after reintroducing foods I will start feeding Candida and conclude faultily that I am allergic to everything.
Anyway I am right now trying to manage my stress. I meditate and do breathing exercises.
Also I am eliminating most foods for few days maybe weeks. Eating only chicken, veggies, brown rice.
Healing my gut and insomnia is priority for me right now.
As I said I am student and I am quite poor so I don’t have money for super clean food and it is hard to get where I live anyway.
I just want my life back.
I bought and read "
The Cure For All Diseases " MSN. There was not much there about Candida. I will try to do cleansing protocols from the book in future.
But most of the advices from the book are not available and too complicated to me.