Re: AF , ADHD and Sulbutiamine. Am I making a mistake?
Both of those websites say that 2,100 calories is the average to lead a normal healthy life. It doesn't say minimum. It says normal, and not sedentary. They're also saying that if they enter a region where there is a starvation issue, 2,100 per day calories is the "emergency" target for daily intake to recover the population. Again, we're talking averages, not minimums. So, before you were saying they are experts, and now you're saying that they're not because they agree with what I said? Like I said, I'm very active and need 2,500 cals per day to maintain. An active 130 lb 5-5 female needs 1,900. that agrees with what both unicef and the world food programme says at your links. Don't lead people to believe that the WHO says that below 2,100 cals per day is starvation. That's not stated anywhere.
The reason that fruitarians need to eat more calories than "normal" people, is because it takes so much energy to digest the food, that their actual calorie intake is diminished. So up to 1/3 of their calories are burned just in the eating process which is why they need more. That would not be true for someone eating a balanced diet. So it is possible to lose weight by increasing your caloric intake of foods that require a lot of energy to digest.
That's why you can increase your "assumed" calorie intake on high carb fruits and vegetables and lose weight. If your high carbs are easy to digest like rice, you will not lose weight.