Re: AF , ADHD and Sulbutiamine. Am I making a mistake?
So the recommendation to increase thiamine would be to emphasize yeast containing foods, nuts & seeds (sesame butter, sunflower seeds, macadamia, pecan) pork chops and fish. Those will quickly increase thiamine levels without supplementation.
It's very easy to increase calorie intake, which is why obesity is an epidemic.
Where did you get the WHO information that 2,100 cals per day is starvation?
I'm a 53 yr old male active runner at 6 ft tall 167
lbs. Most calorie counters say I need 2,400 - 2,600 cals per day to maintain my current weight.
A 30 yr old female at 5 ft 5 in tall 130 lbs who exercises 1-3 times per week requires 1,900 cals per day.
How can 2,100 cals per day be starvation?