I am happy to get your reply. I would go on a juice feast for 2 weeks making sure that I have 2 or 3 BMs a day. So either taking laxatives or cleansing enemas would be essential.
After the juice fast I would go a mainly vegetarian diet. For the first week after the juice feast just consider it a rest period for a week. Then start your preparation for liver flush for the next one or two weeks. Take Gold Coin Grass (info below) as per instructions on the bottle, then after the GC start on the apple juice or malic acid 3 times a day for 1 week. Make sure that during the liver flush preparation you also do a comprehensive bowel management.
After this last step you are going to take bitters (my choice is for Chinese bitters info below), follow the instruction on the bottle also take every morning 2 two cup coffee retention enemas daily. Keep this up for 2 weeks then take a one week break and then go back to the bitters and coffee enemas for two weeks and so on. I did this for 2 1/2 months.
A few items I need to mention: don't let yourself get constipated during the whole cleanse and liver flush and make sure that you drink a lot of water at least 8 cups a day.
If you need more info write and I will try to answer you.