Re: Mood: Iodine and other factors
Great Post
Only trouble is that I have found BioRhythm's play a part sometimes in brain fogginess and mood.
I love this free one
I do not check them every day, probably once in 3 mths when I feel wrong.
When checking them daily in the past I found that I could not determine the extent to which they would make a difference. However, when I have felt out of sorts and could not figure why, I would check and very often I was on a "critical" that day, the day before or the day after.
Criticals are the chart points that can make a big difference. A friend of mine is very fit, a physiotherapist, and in his 40's he did a long bike ride on a hot day and felt really bad when he normally would feel fine. He suspected the worst about his heart until I looked up his biorhythm and found he was on a critical for his physical cycle that day.
He has not had a problem since and was relieved and shocked that his cycle could affect him so much.
I agree with you about checking how you feel, but sometimes it is not caused by diet.